Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Lap Dogs and Burp Rags

Well, today was just plain interesting!  I discovered two things that make life more challenging: jealous lap dogs and colicy babies.  My eldest nephew was sick today, so Aunt Cat was left alone with an almost four week old!!!  Four burp rags, two blowout diapers, a shirt change, and about thirty minutes of what I like to call just plain pissed off infant later, success!!!  Lincoln was asleep in what I have lovingly dubbed the Aunt Cat papasan chair which is really just my thighs made into an elevated chair, but whatever!!!  It works, and if it ain't broke don't fix it!  At this moment my little miniature schnauzer, Bridget, decided the best place for her was also my lap.  She whined.  She cried.  And yes, she ended up in my lap too.  She's just a wee bit jealous and can't really figure out who or what Lincoln is yet.  I have always been so hesitant around babies and children.  That's why I chose to teach high school after all, but what I'm learning through this time in my life is that babies are hard, babies cry A LOT, but babies make you see life through a different lens.  I'm seeing life differently, and I like it, burp rags, spit up, jealous lap dogs, and all!

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